Alamance Chorale begins rehearsals for its spring season Monday, February 10th, 2025 in the choir room at Front Street United Methodist Church, 136 S. Fisher St., Burlington. Rehearsals are from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Singers are needed for all vocal parts, but the group could use additional tenors and basses. Those interested in attending can contact Arleen Widerman, or email Membership is open to all singers – no auditions are required.
Attendance: Members should miss no more than three (3) rehearsals per concert. Notify the director if this is an issue.
Are there dues to be a member?
Yes, membership dues are sixty dollars ($60) per Year/Season
Or – $35 for fall membership due by September 30th
Or – $35 for spring membership due by February 17th if joining only for the May concert
Students: $30 per year/season for high school and undergrad students
In addition, members are expected to provide a black music folder and appropriate concert attire (see below). Financial aid for these items is available in cases of hardship. Contact the director if you need assistance.
Do I need to audition? An audition is not required for membership!
Is there a dress code for concerts? yes
Men – Black long-sleeved shirt and black trousers (black necktie is optional). Black socks and shoes should be worn.
Women – Concert black head to toe with sleeves, modest necklines, and hemlines at the knee or below. Black pants may be worn but black hose should be worn if skirts or dresses are above ankle length. Accessories should be a single strand of pearls, pearl earrings, and black shoes.
Jewelry: You should not wear pins, bracelets, anything light-reflecting, dangling earrings, light-reflecting hair ornaments or barrettes. Wedding and engagement rings are allowed.
(Different attire may be designated for special events. Appropriate notice will be given).